We are thrilled to announce that our TASKA CX hand has just won both the Gold and Purple Pin in the Product category at the New Zealand Best Design Awards 2024.
The Awards are an annual showcase of excellence in graphic, spatial, product, digital and motion design, organised by The Designers Institute of New Zealand. According to the event’s website, ‘the Gold Pin is coveted under each category as best in category, but it’s the very best piece of design in each discipline that is given the supreme Purple Pin and held up as work that raises the bar of New Zealand design.’
The TASKA CX is the result of extensive user research and understanding, followed by a rigorous design process. The hand has an anatomical form that delivers a high performing, highly functional experience for individuals with an upper limb difference.
Some of the aspects of the TASKA CX that deliver a profound user experience are:
- waterproofness, which allows users to perform more activities of daily living such as washing hands or dishes with the confidence that the hand is robust, reliable, and manufactured to do this day after day without the need for a protective glove or risk that the hand will be damaged;
- compliant fingers and knuckles, allowing them to splay and therefore delivering improvements in robustness and shock absorption, beside a more natural behaviour;
- capacitive touch, allowing users to operate any common touch screen devices;
- integrated wrist rotation, flexion and extension, allowing more precision and more natural movements.
The TASKA CX has received wide acclaim from users and industry since its launch for both its appearance and performance - features that deliver confidence to users and help them return to their lifestyle and activities of daily living.
The statement from the judges at the Best Design Awards was: ‘The judges agreed this world-class piece of design that showcases New Zealand as a global design-led innovator thoroughly deserved this year's Purple Pin. Deep empathy for the user combined with world class engineering and manufacturing refinement means this product is a true life-changer. The judges were deeply impressed by the seamless blend of deep user research, empathetic design, and meticulous mechanical execution, resulting in an elegant and meaningful solution for the global market. The product's ability to mimic a human organic system at such a sophisticated level reflects the immense technical expertise behind its development, making it truly world-class and life changing.’
We would like to thank all teams and parties involved in the development and design of the TASKA CX hand, leading to these incredible awards. Together, we redefine prosthetics and transform lives.
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