When engineer and inventor Mat Jury broke both of his arms in a mountain bike accident, he was offered a glimpse - albeit a fleeting one - into the every day challenges faced by amputees. The experience acted as a catalyst for a career change, and ultimately, the creation of the TASKA myoelectric hand.
He started in his garage, working in the evenings and on the weekends as he sought to solve the flexibility and fragility issues that plagued every myoelectric hand on the market then. Drawing on insights gained from international experts, clinicians and users, he eventually made the breakthrough, developing the technology behind the TASKA Hand’s flexible palm design.
As the product evolved the team grew, with Mat bringing on a number of engineers and designers with significant international experience. Together, they refined the TASKA Hand until they reached a point where they could apply for a US patent. The application was successful, and the rest is history!
TASKA has earned a reputation for producing the most reliable and beautiful myoelectric, multi-articulating hand on the market - and the first waterproof one. Setting the standard for prosthetics, TASKA Hands are world class, the first of their kind, and have come to play a big role in users’ daily lives.
In June 2024, TASKA was officially by acquired by Eqwal, complementing their portfolio of expertise in patient care, innovative digital solutions and components. "By joining Eqwal, we strengthen our global footprint and increase our capacity to deploy TASKA’s innovations,” said TASKA CEO, Ben Travers. “We believe this decision best serves the interests of our company and fulfills our vision to redefine prosthetics and transform lives globally.
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