Keeping TASKA hands in peak condition is essential for their performance, and this annual service ensures they stay fully functional for longer.


The Importance of Annual Servicing

At TASKA Prosthetics, our mission is to redefine prosthetics and transform lives by providing world-class myoelectric multi-articulating hands that are reliable, waterproof, and easy to use.

We are committed to ensuring those with a TASKA hand reap the full benefits. To uphold this promise, we provide complimentary annual servicing for all hands under warranty.

Just like taking a car to a mechanic for regular maintenance, routine checks on a TASKA hand help identify and address any visible, hidden, or potential future issues.

Here's what can be expected during an annual service, and why it’s beneficial:

  • Detection of wear and tear: our team performs over 50 visual and functional inspections to catch any potential issues early, ensuring hands remain in optimal condition.
  • Annual component replacement: components such as seals, proximal grips, and faceplates are cleaned or replaced if required during this service.
  • Cosmetic and functional refresh: external cosmetic components are given a thorough clean, grips are fine-tuned, and moving parts are lubricated.
  • Software and hardware updates: our team will install the latest updates, including battery optimisation, maximising the hand’s performance.
  • Loaner hand: if required, a loaner hand will be provided, and the necessary data will be backed up and transferred to the loaner hand before leaving the clinic.

Keeping TASKA hands in peak condition is essential for their performance, and this annual service ensures they stay fully functional for longer.

If you’re a clinician, please reach out to your patients if their TASKA hand is due for its annual service.

If you’re a TASKA user, and if you think you're overdue for an annual service, reach out to your clinician and get booked in today.

And for any further information, please contact your local TASKA representative.

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